Monday, December 8, 2008

First words

All you Klausis out there,

While sitting on my couch, drinking mexican beer, talking to my roommate's parrot, and listening to some old Bad Religion record, I created this blog for us to share our thoughts! I haven't been writing anything apart from scientific stuff for the last couple of years, which means that I actually have lost the capability to form nice sentences made out of proper words, so maybe this will help!
Furthermore, I'm always in search of new music, ideas, books... so if you guys or girls have something that's new and hot (maybe even greasy), you can share it with the rest of the Klausis.

However, I think that this should be a completely open forum and everybody should post here whatever she/he thinks. And maybe it even could be an alternative way to things like facebook for us Klausis to stay connected even between continents!

So dudes and dudettes, if you have anything to say, please do it - a whole story, a sentence, a suggestions or even a single word!

Klausi D.

PS: From my balcony I can see the site where the F-18 crashed into some houses today in San Diego. It's really bad!

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